I say this from the heart.

“St. Elizabeth’s is wonderful. Being able to get items here frees up money that I can use for my family’s other needs.”

-Debbie, a neighbor

To Donate Items

Click here for complete details.

During our hours of operation (Tuesdays 8:30 – 11 am), we accept donations of

  • Personal Hygiene Products
  • Bed, Bath & Kitchen Items
  • Adult Winter Coats & Boots

at the rear parking lot of St. Luke’s Cathedral,
located at 134 Park Street, Portland. 

To Give

Click here for complete details.

St. Elizabeth’s operates through generous direct donations of the goods we distribute and monetary support from congregations and individuals.

1) You can find our Amazon Wishlist here: StElizabethWishlist.

2) Give directly online through the diocesan portal: Episcopal Diocese of Maine

3) Checks payable to “St. Elizabeth’s” can be mailed to:

St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center
PO Box 4036 Portland, ME 04101

Who We Are

St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center is sponsored by eight Episcopal churches in the greater Portland area. We partner with local schools, other faith communities, and local businesses and community groups to serve the people of Portland.

Click here for more information.

What We Do

St. Elizabeth’s is a low-barrier pantry serving non-food essentials to all those in need, including new Mainers and Mainers whose families have been here for generations.

Click here for more information.

How to Volunteer/Visit

Volunteers at St. Elizabeth’s come from one of our sponsoring parishes and the community at large.

Click here for more information.